- Finished riveting Ribs to Spar
- Constantly checking for twist or washout with straight-edge
Hours today : 3.0
Hours forward : 122.5
Hours total : 125.5
- Finished bracing Camber Rib on Wing Root
- Installed leading Edge Splice with two Rivets to hold in Place
- Started riveting Ribs to Spar beginning at Wingtip
Hours today : 5.0
Hours forward : 117.5
Hours total : 122.5
- Shaped and riveted Camber Rib to Wing Root Rib
- Cut Splice and installed with Insert on Leading Edge
- Insert needs rivet to stay in Place
Hours today : 4.0
Hours forward : 113.5
Hours total : 117.5
- Installed Ribs 5-1 with Clecoes
- Installed Leading- and Trailing Edge Spar with Clecoes
- Fitted Root Rib to make Splice for Trailing Edge Spar
- Cut, deburred and installed Trailing Edge Splice with 6" Insert
- Marked all Inserts and Attachments for riveting
Hours today : 4.0
Hours forward : 109.5
Hours total : 113.5
- Squared Wing Frame
- Clecoed Wing Tip perpendicular as Reference for other Ribs
- Clecoed Ribs 11 - 6 at 15.5" Distance
- Clecoed Lift Strut Gusset to Wing Spar
- Checked Alignment. Frame within 0.1 deg on all Edges and Spars
Hours today : 5.0
Hours forward : 104.5
Hours total : 109.5